revbell joins the Synapse hotel label

The hospitality sector is constantly expanding, despite the epidemic the world has just seen. To meet this ongoing demand, new digital solutions are appearing every day. Each more powerful than the last.

And yet, every hotelier has had to deal with digital solutions that weren’t connected to each other. This means wasting time, and sometimes money, setting up this connectivity.

With this in mind, hotel cloud players have joined forces to create the Synapse label, the 1st hotel label for trusted, interconnected cloud solutions.

The aim is clear: to enable hoteliers to easily build a software ecosystem that matches their needs.

“Synapse is quite simply the 1st label for 100% connected hotel cloud tools! The Thaïs team is delighted to be working with its partner N&C on the revbell solution. We all share the same vision: to help hoteliers build their digital solution without difficulty, while leaving them free to choose their software.”

Alicia DORGET – Sales Manager at Thaïs-PMS

This label guarantees hoteliers not only that each solution is easy to connect, but also that costs are transparent. As the tools are already connected to each other, there’s no connection fees or hidden charges.

But connectivity doesn’t stop there. Our customer support teams also work together to improve your day-to-day experience as a hotelier.

In the event of an incident, customer support communicates in real time with the support teams for the label’s other solutions, thereby streamlining the management process.

« At revbell, we’re convinced of two things: time is often the main obstacle to hotel digitalization, and no single tool can meet all needs. That’s why we’re proud to be a partner of the Synapse label, a group of 100% connected hotel cloud tools. By linking specialized solutions with expertise in their field, we create a synergy that boosts the performance and efficiency of hotel establishments. »

Florent MANOTTA – Chief Commercial Officer at N&C

Want to find out more about the Synapse label and the cloud tools on offer? Make your simulation on the web site.

Keywords: revbell, Synapse label, hotel cloud, digital solutions, Thaïs, N&C

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