revbell and HQ Revenue are now partners

Sometimes, for a hotelier, it can be wise to take a look at the competition. Not to follow them to the letter, but to understand their market and use it as an indicator that can explain a higher or lower-than-usual demand for their establishment.
We have all done it as Revenue Managers. We do it every day as customers.

In order for this information to be effective and serve revenue management, you need to have access to quality data and a Revenue Management tool.. When you combine the two, you hit the jackpot.

We are therefore delighted to announce our partnership with HQ Revenue, the rate shopper that uses market intelligence to enable hoteliers to better position themselves.

HQ Revenue is a leading rate shopper offering intuitive price optimization solutions.. With real-time market updates and instant data analysis, HQ Revenue helps hoteliers gain a complete overview of their performance, competition and profit opportunities by market.

revbell is a Revenue Management System that leverages artificial intelligence to guide you through every dimension of revenue optimization. revbell leverages your own historical data, and helps you make the best decisions quickly, clearly, and complete with over 300 KPIs and detailed recommendations.

With its intuitive and innovative platform and real-time data, this integration meets all the criteria of our partnership policy.

« This integration is the perfect win-win partnership scenario, where the beneficiaries are not only the two companies but more importantly their joint customers. Our joint customers can now benefit from the high-quality, real-time market data that will power revbell and at the same time, they will be able to use the HQ Revenue platform powered by revbell data. Together, we have one goal: to maximize our clients’ revenue and put them ahead of the competition. »

Erjon GORANI – Strategic Partnerships & Business Development Manager at HQ Revenue

What are the benefits of a connection between revbell and HQ Revenue?

Specifically, clients who want to stay informed about market trends will have access to this detailed data directly in revbell. This allows them to further optimize their revenues.

This integration is very complementary and allows us to simultaneously improve:

  • The user experience: by displaying competitor prices as KPIs, in pop-ups and in nancie’s vocabulary when she explains her recommendation.
  • The Quality of the forecast:by integrating the events by allowing nancie to recommend a better future modelling.

« I am very pleased that this integration is available to our joint customers. HQ Revenue has demonstrated a strong capacity for innovation over the past few years with a very intuitive product.
On the User Experience side, the HQ Revenue x revbell integration will allow less mature establishments to go further in Revenue Management while keeping an active watch on competitors’ prices on the same platform. We reaffirm our belief in blindly following the competition while simplifying the life of hoteliers and revenue managers with accurate data.
On the forecasting side, the import of events will allow nancie to recommend a better reference calendar, the key to anticipate better. »

Florent MANOTTA – Chief Commercial Officer at N&C

Finally, the connection between HQ Revenue and revbell is possible without integration costs.

You are using HQ Revenue and want to know more about RMS revbell? Request a demo.

Keywords: HQ Revenue, Revenue Management, Rate Shopper, Revenue Management System, optimisation, KPI

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